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Several times a year, we go to the Mijares (Montanejos) river for a first dive. A unique experience in a very special place.

Diving baptism in Rio.

Thanks to the Montanejos Tourism Foundation and the organisation of Máxima Aventura, this new underwater adventure takes shape, this time without salt or waves, in calm, crystalline water and with a good temperature thanks to the thermal waters that warm the cold waters of the river!

Diving baptism in the river Montanejos

A local legend tells that an Arab lord called Zeit-Abu-Zenit ordered to build a spa in this spring, of which some remains can still be seen, to keep his favourites young and beautiful, since these waters are indicated for the skin, gastritis, dyspepsia, etc.

We will comfortably enter the water through the small beach of this famous Fuente de los Baños and we will make friends with the diving equipment at a shallow depth, to then enter the strait in search of a small cave where we will reach a depth of 5 metres. A magical place to get started in this great world of diving and at the same time cure our ailments and extend our lives, what more could we ask for!


Rafting Montañejos

It is also a great opportunity to get to know the wonderful natural environment that makes up the Alto Mijares and do other activities such as hiking, canyoning initiation with water in the Maimona ravine or difficulty as Zucaina, caving in the wonderful cave of Cirat, or visit the great mouth of the Black Cave, climbing in its thousands of vias or rafting with our friend of Maxima Aventura.

To unwind from all the activity we have a fantastic spa and some great restaurants to recharge your batteries and continue the adventure!

Bautizo Rafa de Máxima Aventura

Bautizo también para nuestro compañero Rafa de Máxima Aventura. Mil gracias por facilitarnos esta nueva experiencia.

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