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Baptism in Cala el Racó. Calpe.

Baptism in Cala el Racó. Calpe.

At the foot of the Ifach rock and protected from the easterly winds by this colossus of rock, we find this small cove of pebbles and clean waters full of life, a privileged place to get started in the underwater world with a baptism or an open water course, as well as to recycle, practice manoeuvres, rescue and rescue courses, to get started in night diving or simply to enjoy a quiet and relaxed dive!

As soon as you put your head in you will be surprised by the life and cleanliness of the water and the sea bream, red mullet, wrasse and bream will come to visit you on the surface and will surround you if you gather at the bottom and if you stir a little, they will come running to look for food! This area next to the beach is wonderful for a first contact with diving and to give your body time to adapt to the equipment and the new sensations and if you overcome your fears you are on the shore and you can practice at the depth you prefer.

If you dive a little deeper you reach a sandy area that precedes the posidonia meadow, here it is easy to find some sole hidden in the sand or sliding quietly, but you have to keep your eyes open, it is also common to find cuttlefish and you can always find octopus if you know how to look for their nests, surrounded by shells!

pulpo buceo

diving octopus

Then we continue to the left until we find a big rock, from there we follow the path leaving the posidonia on the right and on the left an area of broken rocks, in summer they install some buoys with explanatory panels of flora and fauna just in this section and it will be easier to orientate yourself, If we have a compass the course is approximately 180º, thrushes, serranos, mojaras, gobies, blennies, shoals of salps, we don't stop seeing life and don't lose sight of the blue where it is not difficult to see a shoal of barracuda or some dentex. When we reach a sandy clearing we turn off to the right, heading 220º, to find the shallows.

barco hundido buceo

At this point we evaluate depending on the consumption whether to return to the beach or undo our way to the sandy clearing to continue our dive to the left to some huge rocks at approximately 15 meters deep ... to return we stick closer to the coast, shallower eliminating nitrogen while we walk distracted looking for small fauna, surely if we look well we will find some treasure!

Financiado por el Programa Kit Digital. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de España «Next Generation EU».